The luxurious and spacious seat surface and the soft appearance of Rolf Benz MIO generate a desire to be seated and are the perfect invitation to relax and lounge around. The high quality of the materials, the superblycrafted seat structure and the loving, flawless finish make the seats an incomparable overall experience that is a joy to the senses. Rolf Benz MIO is elegance that you simply cannot escape.
The numerous individual elements can be put together to create a wealth of combinations in the room. Whether it be a single sofa, a two-piece composition or a large corner unit, Rolf Benz MIO has 2 seat heights, 2 seat depths and 2 side piece heights to adapt beautifully to your needs and blend perfectly with armchairs, an ottoman and the matching Rolf Benz 940 coffee tables.
Rolf Benz是由来自于纳戈尔德的家具商Rolf Benz,于1964年创立。Rolf Benz从生产的第一件可组合式沙发开始,就一直以前卫的设计,颠覆大众对于传统家具以及家居空间的认知,打造出更加灵活、多变的现代开放式生活空间。
在半个多世纪里,Rolf Benz总能以敏锐的视角把住时代的脉搏,以创新的设计将时下流行元素融于独特工艺,不断创造与引领时代潮流。Rolf Benz在德国家具界的声誉也可以和奔驰车媲美,公司从创建初始对产品的定位就是走精品高档路线,也是当今世界能提供最多沙发款式的生产厂家之一。当今,以奢华、浪漫著称的Rolf Benz,就是舒适坐具、完美创新,以及一流“德国制造”工艺的代名词。