Rolf Benz MERA is impressively small on proportions but big on lightness: slimline feet and a delicate frame make the sofa look like it's floating. And that’s also just how it feels, thanks to the superbly soft seating. Even in a small space, the sofa offers plenty of room for personality, because you can choose from 2 seat heights, different cover options and a frame in silver, traffic black, umbra grey and polished chrome. Optional additional cushions complete the overall picture and complement the feel-good experience.
In the position for raising the legs, the foot section is exactly at seat height. This not only feels great, but it looks good, because it allows self-contained islands to be created. A steplessly adjustable back and upwards-folding cushions create an extra-high back rest that offers exceptional comfort. Even the headrest can be moved to the user's preferred position. Adjustable side sections for reclining and sitting cross-ways complete the many hidden comfort functions that turn every living space into your very own dream space. And every day offers new comfort possibilities.
Rolf Benz是由来自于纳戈尔德的家具商Rolf Benz,于1964年创立。Rolf Benz从生产的第一件可组合式沙发开始,就一直以前卫的设计,颠覆大众对于传统家具以及家居空间的认知,打造出更加灵活、多变的现代开放式生活空间。
在半个多世纪里,Rolf Benz总能以敏锐的视角把住时代的脉搏,以创新的设计将时下流行元素融于独特工艺,不断创造与引领时代潮流。Rolf Benz在德国家具界的声誉也可以和奔驰车媲美,公司从创建初始对产品的定位就是走精品高档路线,也是当今世界能提供最多沙发款式的生产厂家之一。当今,以奢华、浪漫著称的Rolf Benz,就是舒适坐具、完美创新,以及一流“德国制造”工艺的代名词。