[…] Other investigations led to an armchair designed in 1928, which was in-tended for the Soviet Pavilion of the Pressa Exhibition in Cologne and only drafted after its opening. The comfortable semi-circle – an upholstered forerunner of the portable Dresden plywood model – was meant to encourage a re-laxed, club-style concentration in the viewer for the »Lenin and the Press« part of the exhibition. Today the model, originally formulated in red, is an opening to other reading, for instance the book »The Stolen Paintings« by Ingeborg Prior about the life of Sophie Lissitzky-Küpper and her art collection. This gives an account of how Lissitzky’s son Jen was adopted initially by Tecta for three years, after he emigrated from the USSR in 1989 with his wife Natascha and their St. Bernard, Dschuna. What is not mentioned in the book is that Dschuna travelled in a transportation crate which was specially made for her by Tecta. But this is just an indication that artists, constructors, and craftsmen all belong equally in the field of design –people, in fact, who identify with their work.
如今由AxelBruchhäuser和他的侄子Christian Drescher经营,位于Weser河岸。一旦你确定并理解了一个问题,你可以进一步解决和发展 - 这是进化。例如,我们发现创新材料和技术的新方法。趋势是在不断变化的,而周期越来越短。我们认为,不断更换产品是非生态和不经济的。我们的使命是从社会和生态的角度延长好设计得产品的使用寿命。
Tecta将 Bauhaus思想与工匠,价值观和家庭传统相结合。这正是公司如何独特的发展和珍惜Bauhaus运动曾经教授和融合传统工艺的循环。