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Bonaldo Eddy Seating-Armchairs






1465240 1508856
数量 (库存10000 )

It's the latest trend in Paris, Berlin, London and Milan: the fixie bike, a vintage bicycle with no freewheel, just one gear and without brakes, which brings to mind a time when the streets were dirt roads and cyclists were heroes. Indeed, Belgian designer Alain Gilles dedicated his Eddy armchair to a fellow countryman and cycling legend. The shapes of Eddy draw their inspiration from the logic and styling of the cycling world, but also from the minimal and elemental graphic design of the fixie. "If you think about it, many of the first prototypes in the history of design were made in cycling workshops", explains Alain Gilles, "because that's where the masters of tubular metal manufacturing were, and they had the expertise required to make those objects with such essential style". The Eddy armchair is built using the same logic as bicycle construction, around a tubular metal frame, while the seat is designed to be comfortable and ergonomic. The way in which the various parts of the frame are connected - using “quick release” fittings - is an obvious reference to the cycling world. The use of separate elements to make up the frame of the armchair makes it possible to play with the graphics and thus create multiple combinations of different colours and finishes. The armrests can be embellished with side pockets which are useful for storing books and magazines or to keep remote controls within easy reach. Eddy is available with or without a headrest. Frame in metal, painted in a variety of colours Upholstery in leather or eco-leather Dimensions: L. 79 cm, D. 89 cm, H. 73/100 cm


设计一直是Bonaldo品牌的宗旨。1936年成立至今,Bonaldo对设计的热诚一直保持着狂热且已延续80余年。与许多国际知名的设计师合作如Alain Gilles、Mauro Lipparini 、Karim Rashid、Gino Carollo,Bonaldo的作品获得许多国际设计大奖的肯定,以简约时尚的意式风格享誉全球。

Bonaldo 对商品的热情是驱使整个品牌成功的关键,因为对设计的狂热与执着,迸发出无穷的创意火花。热情是衔接技术与创意的桥梁,同时也结合了理性与感性;Bonaldo 的故乡为意大利的钢铁小镇-Padova, 钢铁的技术充分被运用在各项商品结构、模具制作中, 钢铁与各项材质结合的作品也成为Bonaldo的一项特色。 坚毅的结构搭配温润的木质、多彩的玻璃或石材, 丰富了居家空间的氛围。



2018-08-11 19:20



2018-08-11 19:20