Pantheon table. Far Eastern Conviviality.
A reinterpretation of the iconic La Rotonda table
Mario Bellini revisits the iconic La Rotonda table which he designed for Cassina in 1976 and gives it a new interpretation inspired by the conviviality of the Far East. The result is Pantheon, a round wooden table with a glass Lazy Susan at its centre. This thin round sheet of transparent glass can be smoothly spun at just the touch of a hand, acting as an elegant rotating tray. A mix of traditional and contemporary gestures that combine the long established customs of the Far East with the modern tactility of today’s tablets. The table is supported by the three splayed legs that brought success to the La Rotonda table. An authentic wooden sculpture that stands out for the sense of continuity between these three elements that come together thanks to a complex construction of hidden joints. Visually and structurally enigmatic, the piece expresses Cassina’s historical culture for wood-craftsmanship.
Measurements: Ø 82/195 x 195/110 x h. 74 cm.
1927年,以Cassina兄弟(Cesare & Umberto Cassina)在意大利米兰成立Cassina公司为标志,Cassina开始了现代家具的生产历程。二次世界大战后,Cassina公司接受了一系列来自海军军舰、以及宾馆、饭店和社交活动场所的大型家具定单,这些特殊环境下对家具质量和功能的苛刻要求让Cassina长期秉承的质量、耐久、信誉的传统价值观得到充分的体现,并为Cassina后来的发展奠定了基础。