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Poltrona frau Pillow 单人椅






数量 (库存10000 )


Tradition and technology brought together in a seat whose configuration can be changed so users can find their most comfortable position. To envelop, embrace, and encourage complete relaxation. For the first time Poltrona Frau unveils its elegant and comfortable interpretation of a reclinable seat. The Pillow. Artisanal charm and contemporary functionality in a highly innovative armchair, in both electric and manual versions. The headrest, backrest and footrest are all adjustable to guarantee maximum ergonomic comfort. Two large and practical pockets complete the external surface of the armrests. The Pillow thus becomes an authentic haven of relaxation and wellbeing, where you can finally enjoy a little “me time”. The circular steel base, in matt black brushed or lacquered finishes, enables the armchair to be swivelled 360°. Poltrona Frau has integrated the electric version with a highly advanced mechanism that enables the backrest and the footrest to be smoothly adjusted independently of one other. The control pad is positioned in the pocket of the right armrest. It is powered with a battery that can be recharged by connecting it to any power source. In the manual model, the backrest and footrest are moved in a synchronised manner thanks to a lever positioned between the armrest and the seat cushion that guarantees excellent smoothness. In both versions the headrest can be adjusted manually and independently of the backrest. Enveloping and ultra-comfortable thanks to its perfect calibration of weights and volumes, Pillow combines technological innovation with Poltrona Frau’s time-honoured manual expertise in the processing of padding, springs and leather. The upholstery is in Pelle Frau® leather from the Color System, Pelle Frau® Heritage or Pelle Frau® Soul. The supporting frame is made up of a metallic frame fixed to a steel base. The backrest structure is made up of a metallic frame with wooden parts, whilst the armrests are in birch plywood and solid beech. Sinuous springs for the seat spring system. Differentiated-density polyurethane foam and polyester wadding for the padding.


诞生于1912年的 Poltrona frau,已经有100多年的历史了。1926年,Poltrona frau 正式成为意大利王室家具的供应商,百年来已成为古今整个欧洲皇室家族的专属御用家具。

Poltrona frau 具有收藏价值源于他百年延续的独特精湛手工艺和顶级的天然选材,以及超越了不同年代时尚的经典传世造型。纵观 Poltrona frau 百年历史,可以发现,即便是百年前的沙发款式,至今仍是目前最具时代感的设计。 而 Poltrona frau 的皮革材质与皮椅缝制技术更是品牌最大的亮点。精致手工艺为它赢得世界各地顶级场所和世界顶级品牌的青睐:美国纽约古根汉博物馆表演厅、洛杉矶迪斯尼音乐厅、欧洲共同议会、大英博物馆全部都指定由 Poltrona frau 定制家具,而Bang&Olufen、Bvlgari、Cartier、Hermes、Prada等也纷纷选择 Poltrona frau 设计全球展厅。

百年来坚持使用皮革及纯天然材质,只选择顶级皮革配以全手工制作流程,而且只在意大利的工厂里制作,建筑大师的影子闪现在每件作品的背后,Poltrona frau 被誉为‘意大利家具行业风向标’具有极高的收藏价值,在意大利人心里不只是家具,它表现的是一种隽永并无可取代的价值。



2018-08-11 19:20



2018-08-11 19:20